Year 3 News

3L – Miss Lewis

A little note to share with you how 3L have settled in coming back to school:
“3L have given me the best welcome and have shared with me so many things about themselves and their school. We have started our brand new topic enquiry  ‘The Stone Age: What were the significant changes to daily life during the Stone Age?’ and have explored their creativity through cave paintings and thought about what meals they would have. Now they are in Y3, they have started French lessons for the first time too!
They have all really impressed me with their good manners and I would like to congratulate them all for their positive attitude. Well done 3L!”
Miss Lewis
3A with Ms Ahmed
What a fantastic few weeks 3A have had! Despite the unsettling times and the different routines, we have all settled back into school amazingly! They have been so excited, engaged and enthused with our topic, Prehistoric World. The children, Mrs Fowler and I have learnt so much about the Prehistoric World and how life has changed since then. So far, we have learnt about Stone Age tools and weapons, cave paintings, turned our classroom into a cave and are looking forward to learning so much more about them. 
Ms Ahmed