Year 1

In Maths this week we have been learning to use mathematical language.  We have been comparing quantities and using the words “fewer than” and “greater than” and “equal to”.  We have also learnt the  Mathematical  symbols > < and =
In English we have continued to write our own version of Jack and the Beanstalk and had a go at retelling it!  We have been trying really hard to use a capital letter at the beginning of our sentences, use finger spaces between words and end our sentence with a full stop.
In topic this week we learnt about Mahatma Ghandi.  We read the book “Little People Big Dreams, Mahatma Ghandi” and discussed why Mahatma was such a powerful and important person of the past.  We thought of adjectives to describe Mahatma and came up with words such as “calm, peaceful, kind”.

We have also started our Computing lessons.  To do this we have been practising typing, as we must type our Usernames and Passwords.  We talked about e-safety rules and know how to stay safe when using the internet.