Take a look at what Year 5 have been up to!

This half term in Science we are learning all about properties and changes of materials. We have been testing which materials are hard, translucent, permeable and magnetic.
We also conducted a fair test to find out which material was the best thermal insulator to stop ice from melting (we found this out by measuring how much water was in each bag after a set amount of time, due to the ice melting).
We will be finding out which materials are the best electrical conductors, and we will learn all about separating different types of mixtures, as well as reversible and irreversible changes.
In Topic, the children have enjoyed learning about the Greek myth ‘King Midas and the golden touch’. We have been writing the myth together, applying lots of Year 5 writing skills such as using parenthesis and relative clauses. The next myth we are going learn about is ‘Theseus and the Minotaur’!