Science Week in Nursery

Wow… what a wonderful week of learning we have had. To kick start Science Week we began by finding out more about our Giant African Land snails (GAL’s for short). Although ours are not at all ‘giant’ at the moment, we hope that with great care and attention we can nurture the snails to become very big indeed!
We started off by talking about how similar – yes similar we are to snails – we both have the ability to breath, eat, and move. We both have a house to live in – although they are very different – thankfully!
The children are learning to take great care of these delicate creatures and we are beginning to understand that all living things have a right to be treated kindly.
We also made a wormery and collected earth worms to put in a special tank that will help us to understand why worms are so important to the earth we walk upon.
There was a special ‘visitor’ too! Miss Lowry popped in to see our ‘visitor’ and thought at first it was Hazel – but no, just something that was remarkably furry and brown just like our school puppy. It was in fact an Orangutang (not a real one of course – just a puppet). But a puppet with a very important message. It came to tell us that just like the GAL’s, Orangutangs need to be treated with respect as their habitats, the rainforests are being chopped down to make way for among other things, palm oil plantations.
The children listened very carefully to the plight of the Orangutangs and were struck by what is happening. These are really big messages for our little ones, but it is never too early to learn how connected we are to our planet and how it is vital that we take care of it for the future.