Raddlebarn Arts Ambassador News

Today (7th February 2024) we all went to the Birmingham Hippodrome Theatre and learnt more about how the be Arts Ambassadors.

We are……… Arlo (5MO), Tav and Harriet (5MA), Enzo and Lucia (4HW), Gabriel and Iris (4H). Lucia’s mum, Sonia, kindly came with us.

We played a few games that taught us more about each other and that made us communicate with others in better and different ways. The Birmingham Hippodrome put up a good effort of making the school children get involved and cooperate with each other.

We then all designed our own Blue Sky Thinking dream arts project that had a unlimited budget. Ours (Mine, Enzo, Iris and Lucia’s) involved flying everyone from all the schools there to Tokyo in private jets. There we put on an Everything for Everyone Festival which happens in our private skyscraper with a concert stadium (where Taylor Swift and a K-pop and a J-pop band would perform), an animation floor, a comedy floor, a gaming floor with game designers, a fashion designing floor where the festival merchandise is designed with famous fashion designers), an art make and exhibition floor. It also has luxury apartments for us all to stay in. (an after thought we had was to also have a food floor where we could design and et our own sushi creations!)

We then went into the auditorium of the Hippodrome Theatre and we even got to go into the Royal box and we waved like the king!