Nursery Shenanigans

Oh my! There was some serious shenanigans going on in Nursery this week. The children arrived on Wednesday morning to discover the teddies had gone on strike (along with some of their teacher colleagues) and the teddies had formed a picket line!
They were taking industrial action as they said that some of them were being thrown around in the book corner and they no longer felt safe! The dinosaurs and a number of other soft toys had also joined them to offer moral support.
The children learnt about the British Value of ‘Mutual Respect’ and we talked about how important it was treat each other with kindness as well as looking after the teddies – they have rights too, we discovered. The children really thought about how the teddies were feeling and were very careful not to cross the picket line. The children wanted to make their own placards to join in the strike action and went on a protest march to Miss Lowry’s office to talk about the rights of their teddy friends!
Negotiations were tense as you can imagine. Some bears demanded better marmalade sandwiches, whilst three bears complained that their porridge was too hot, then too cold! After school, the bears went back to the negotiating table and Miss Lowry listened carefully to their concerns. Hazel our school dog was there in support of her furry friends and to act as mediator!
In the morning a resolution had been achieved and all was well once again. Let’s hope that no further strike action will be needed!
We have also taken part in National Storytelling Week. We have been introduced to the Anansi the Spider stories which were originally from West Africa before travelling around the world being passed on from generation to generation. Anansi tales are very much part of Carribean culture so we looked for Africa and the Caribbean on our globe.
We acted out the story, made spiders and webs and in our literacy learning created comic strip story cards, learning how to sequence the tale.