Nursery News

Hi Everyone
It’s been a really busy start to the new term and we are delighted that the Nursery children are already getting the hang of so many new routines, getting to know the staff and making friends with others.
Already we are creating our own stories with ‘Tales Toolkit’ (more of that to come), learning new poems from our ‘Poetry Basket’, getting to understand our emotions with the help of ‘The Colour Monsters’ and in maths, beginning to develop an understanding of subitising (more of that to come too!)
Here is a little snap shot of what we have been up to…
We took home Autumn Treasure Bags for us to collect interesting items on a walk with our parent/s. We have loved investigating and talking about what we found and we sorted and classified the treasures into sets.
Did you know that Monsters love Colours? Well, they do in the book we have been reading. This inspired us to produce our own ‘scribble monsters’ – it was great fun, scribbling along to different tempos of music – the William Tell Overture had us exhausted!
And just this week, we have been helping Hazel to celebrate her first birthday (Sunday 15th October). We made her dog friendly birthday cakes especially for her and her doggy pals. If you have a dog at home we can highly recommend Battersea Dogs Home dog friendly birthday cake recipe.
Tune in soon for more news from the Nursery 😉