Nursery News

This week, as we come to our last few days in Nursery, we have been talking about the changes that are to come. Leaving one class to move to another and all the many changes that this entails, can be both exciting and for some, a little bit worrying. We listened to the story of ‘Ruby’s Worry’ by Tom Percival and discussed what to do when we have a worry inside us.
We found out about the artisans of Guatemala and the ancient Mayan tradition of giving ‘Worry Dolls’ to people. The children then created their own worry dolls including making them a little house so that it can be kept by their bedside at night. The tradition is that if you whisper your troubles and worries to your little doll, then pop it under your pillow, the doll will take your worries away.
Elsewhere, it wouldn’t be Nursery without some kind of fab and fun mathematics learning. We have been putting our counting and recording skills to great use doing surveys to discover who likes what. From Superheroes to characters from Paw Patrol and Frozen; cats and dogs to flavours of ice-cream, the children had to survey their friends and record their findings using tally marks. The children then had to talk about the most and least popular items i.e. which had more and which had fewer. Let’s just say for some strange reason Haribos trumped chocolate!