Nursery News

As part of Maths week, the Nursery have been focusing on playing board games. Some key maths skills learnt when playing board games are: counting each square landed on, saying number names in order and recognising spots on a die (our subitising skills were put to the test). We started the week by reading the story of The Naughty Bus and This is the Bear and the Scary Night. Combining these two classic tales enabled us to create a ‘human board’ game like we played at Easter.
The teddy bears had been left on the buses and our intrepid maths experts had to get to the bus depot to rescue them. They had to navigate the giant board game which included challenges such as moving forwards and backwards!
Taking further inspiration from the story of The Naughty Bus, we took our London Buses out into the outdoor areas and the children positioned them in different places – just like in the book. Inside we set up a photographer’s studio and created imaginary settings in which to photograph our ‘naughty bus’. We hope to use the photos to inspire our writing.