Nursery news

As part of One World Week, the Nursery were given Egypt as their country to learn about. We talked about the flag of Egypt and particularly learnt about the famous pyramids and ancient kings and queens called Pharaohs.
We made golden collars that the ancient Egyptians would wear (unfortunately school budget does not run to ancient golden artefacts so we made do with making our from paper plates!) We had a laugh playing a game of ‘wrap the mummy’! We split into two teams and raced against the sand-timer to wrap our friends in loo roll! We then laid the mummies in their sarcophagus along with their golden collars! (We will use the tissue paper for next week as we shall be making our own seed paper – watch this space to see how we get on.) Oh, and Hazel came to visit and decided to photo bomb us!
As part of our mathematics based ‘Sunflower Challenge’ we have been learning all about height. One of our challenges was to find out as many facts as we could about sunflowers. We discovered that the tallest sunflower ever grown was just over 9 metres (30 feet and 1 inch). To show how tall this actually is, compared to the height of the children, we took a helium balloon outdoors. It had the exact height in string of the World’s tallest sunflower, attached to it. We tried in the morning but it was too windy – like many experiments some fail. So, we tried again the next day when the wind had dropped and it was nice and calm. Hurray, success! And boy was that sunflower tall!!!