Nursery – What goes in our tummy?

Wow… what a very active week we have had! In Nursery we are learning all about what we need to do to keep us fit and healthy. Our big question is. ‘What goes in our tummy?’ 
As part of this enquiry, we have been listening to the story, The Healthy Wolf by David Bedford and Mandy Stanely. It tells of how a very unfit and unhealthy wolf called Wilfred, changed his lifestyle and diet to become a very healthy wolf indeed!
The children have been sorting food and drink into sets of things that are really healthy for us and things that we can have as an occasional treat. 
Outdoors we have been at the Superhero training camp where we have been working out to ensure that we are ready and able to go on rescue missions – all Superheroes need to keep on top of their game! 
We love our specialised Nursery gym equipment… best of all there are no membership fees to pay!