Nursery News

Nursery have joined the CID club! C for curiosity – when we are curious we want to, I –investigate to find out more, which leads to D – discovery and discovery leads to learning
We are continuing our journey to becoming sunflower experts and already on the Nursery Padlet, children are posting how their sunflower seeds are beginning to germinate at home – exciting times!
In the CID Club this week we have been using our noticing skills and looking really closely at a range of different seeds. We have been learning to use digital microscopes to look even closer and see things that we cannot see with the naked eye. It has been fascinating to see the young scientists at work and to see their reactions to the images that the digital microscopes can produce. Keep tuned for future news from the CID Club and all our young scientists.
Elsewhere, Hazel has been to visit and in Drawing Club, some of our young artists have drawn portraits of her. We must say that Hazel made an excellent model and sat very still and quiet whilst the artists worked. She was well rewarded after with lots of treats!