Nursery News

As part of our mini Geography project this week we have been discovering a little more about the country of Mexico and a little boy called Pablo who is Mexican. The story book, ‘At The Same Moment Around the World’ was our inspiration. We learnt although there are some things that are different in Mexico (such as the weather!!), there are many things that are the same for the children of Mexico and the children in Nursery. For instance, at times of celebrations they have fiestas and play the pinata game. We made our own pinatas but sadly they were not filled with sweets (we think Miss Killelay must have eaten them first!!)
We have also been learning to play the traditional game of Hopscotch. We looked at photos from the past of children playing hopscotch including children around the world. It was great to develop physical skills such as aiming and throwing and hopping and jumping. Our Hopscotch ‘boards’ were drawn out in the playground with chalk and we included numbers, shapes and letters to match the ones we have been learning in Phonics. We also created an indoor Hopscotch game by using masking tape 😉
We wish you all the happiest of holiday times and look forward to seeing you for the Summer Term back on April 8th.