Nursery News

A great week in Nursery to round off the term. It started with learning all about keeping our teeth healthy. We played lots of games using our mathematical subitising skills and even got to take home the games complete with minty playdoh and a toothbrush and toothpaste pack.
At the end of the week we took part in the school’s ‘TT Rock Star’ Day. Although not yet old enough to be thinking and learning times tables, that didn’t stop Nursery from joining in the fun – instead of times tables we drew on our understanding of 2D shapes which we have been learning about this term. We made TT Rock Star Robots, using rectangles. There were some really cool Raddlebarn rockin’ robots on display!
In the words of the late great rock start, Freddie Mercury – ‘Don’t stop us now, ’cause we’re having a good time!’