Nursery News

In the Nursery the build up to Christmas is well and truly under way. The delivery of our Christmas tree last week caused much excitement and the children have learned how to make paper chains to adorn it. 
Elsewhere we continue with our mathematical exploration of collections. Sorting and matching things helps to develop visual perception along with critical thinking and memory skills. Key skills which are not only needed for maths but also for other subject areas such as Science and History.
We have been inspired by the beautiful book ‘Junk DNA’ by Clare Thompson. In the book the author has collected numerous everyday items made of metal and used these to create stunning images.
Miss Killelay’s Grandma was a great collector and just so happened to collect lots of interesting metal objects such as keys and nuts and bolts. The children sorted the items into categories looking at the similarities and differences, asking lots of questions about what the objects are and what they are used for.
We then had a go at making patterns and arrangements and even some pictures just like in the book.