Make A Difference Club – Circle of Life Award

Our school’s Make a Difference Club have been working hard over the past few months to make a difference in their local community. The children decided that they wanted to support Birmingham Children’s Hospital to help make a child’s stay in the hospital more enjoyable as well as helping make things easier for the staff who work there.
The Make A Difference Club organised a fundraising event for parents to take part in a special race on the KS2 Sports Day. They also made flags and pompoms for families to purchase so they could cheer on their children during their races! It was a successful event with the children managing to raise £151.88 to donate to Birmingham Children’s Hospital.
On top of this, the children made some activity booklets for children who are visiting the hospital to complete helping to take their minds off any worries.

The children’s hard work has been recognised by the Disney and Young Citizens team and the children have been awarded the Circle of Life Award for their achievements! Well done Make A Difference Club! You have been amazing!