
Aims of Our Programme of Education

We follow the Birmingham Curriculum Statement at Raddlebarn which can be found below:

Birmingham Curriculum Statement

Curriculum Statement of Intent, Implementation and Impact


We aim to develop motivated pupils who are able to learn for themselves with a skills base to support this, enabling them to positively respond to challenges. This will be achieved by providing:

  • First hand experiences to enhance the context by which children access and consolidate knowledge
  • Longer periods of time to learn in depth and allow for spaced repetition for overlearning
  • Opportunities for cross-curricular learning which are harnessed to develop children’s working memory through grouping together skills and knowledge (chunking)

At Raddlebarn Primary school, we believe that our curriculum should provide children with the opportunities to aspire to be more, in an environment which is rooted in our  values and respect for each other.

We aim to achieve this though a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum, which provides children with the knowledge and skills that they need to be open to their future possibilities. Our curriculum is driven by the aim to enable children to understand the cultural context of where they are, through the arts and culture in our society, so that they can be inspired by the opportunities around them. Our cross-curricular approach allows children to make meaningful links with their learning, build on prior knowledge and aspire for their future.

Our school equips children with the ability to hone their knowledge and skills so that they may be inquisitive and aspirational. When children leave Raddlebarn, they have the awareness and initiative to achieve their full potential, rooted in our values of respect and kindness.


To ensure effective delivery of the curriculum, the statutory requirements for each subject within a key stage are identified and cross-curricular links are harnessed to provide cohesion within units of learning. This is outlined in our curriculum overviews. Progression is achieved by identifying the skills and knowledge that children need over time; these are outlined in our progression grids for each subject which contain carefully chosen components crucial for subsequent learning and where key areas for overlearning are highlighted. These elements are delivered through well taught and appropriately sequenced lessons and thoughtfully designed assessments. This provides what we as a school want pupils to know and be able to do by the time that they leave Raddlebarn Primary School.


School evaluates how well our children are learning the content outlined in the curriculum through:

  • School progress data which is analysed by SLT, middle and subject leaders and class teachers
  • Book looks
  • Lesson observations and learning walks
  • Pupil/parent voice

The curriculum that we offer is broad and balanced and aims to not overload pupils with information but enables them to know more and remember more through connecting to prior learning and through use of Knowledge Organisers. The impact of the curriculum is that children are well-motivated and engaged in their education with a growing knowledge base which prepares them for effective transition for their next stage in learning and equips them for life.

At Raddlebarn Primary School we deliver an imaginative and inspiring curriculum with a focus on key skills and independence to ensure our children understand the diversity of the world around us, their place within it and the skills they need to succeed. To do this we have a strong ethos of hard work coupled with fun and engaging learning opportunities. We are developing strong links with our local community and operate an open-door policy inviting the school community and external visitors into our school frequently.

We are proud to hold the ‘Achievement for All’ Quality Mark. This reflects the broad and balanced curriculum on offer to all children. We like to couple this approach with our pastoral provision that ensures the well-being of our pupils leading to happy, confident and resilient lifelong learners, alongside our restorative approach for positive problem solving.

Part of our vision is for every pupil to achieve the highest possible standards in the core subject areas of the National Curriculum. Our creative approach enables these skills to be applied through the Foundation Subjects including History, Geography, Computing, Art, Design and Technology, Religious Education and French. These subjects are delivered and can be ‘launched’ through real life experiences provided by Educational Visits and specialist visitors, drama and role-play. Our pupils take part in a rich and varied Physical Education curriculum which enables pupils to compete in a diverse range of sports. In addition to curriculum Music lessons, which inspire all pupils to learn to play instruments, perform and appreciate a love of music, many children take the opportunity to learn an instrument in school and we are extremely proud of our Raddlebarn School Orchestra. Pupils enjoy singing and have opportunity to join the school choir and have performed at the Birmingham Symphony Hall. Through the teaching of ‘British Values’ and ‘Building Learning Power’, pupils celebrate their differences and similarities and the strengths and successes found in each other, an important part of each child’s personal, social and moral development.

Annually we host a ‘One World Week’ , enhanced by a community International Evening, where we celebrate our culturally diverse heritage of our pupils and families.
We follow a ‘themed’ approach for teaching a range of non-core subjects (art, design technology, science, history, geography, music) and where relevant encourage a cross curricular approach to the children’s learning. All topics are introduced with either a trip, visit or a ‘wow’ factor to really enthuse the children. Children in Year 5 have a yearly opportunity to attend a residential experience in Bewdley at the Frank Chapman Centre.

At Raddlebarn Primary School we follow the National curriculum (2014) for all core and non-core subjects. We follow the agreed Birmingham Syllabus for RE.
Alongside our national curriculum we have a range of initiatives and aspects including our Rights respecting School Award; Eco Council; Junior PSCOs; Arts Ambassadors; Intergenerational Projects; International Links and Enterprise opportunities to raise money and social awareness throughout the year for a variety of chosen causes and charities. Children also have the opportunity to use the school garden for outdoor learning, linking to the curriculum and also health and wellbeing. These support our children’s active learning and assist our open pedagogical approaches to learning that allow everybody to learn as an individual or collaboratively, and encourages the understanding of Cultural Capital.
The use of ICT is encouraged in all subjects. A well-resourced ICT suite plus sets of ipads ensures the children have a wide variety of opportunities to use ICT throughout their lessons.
French lessons are weekly in Key Stage 2.
All children have at least 2 sessions of PE a week and children in Y4 and Y6 have blocks of swimming lessons delivered during the year.

Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education allows learning opportunities and experiences that help children grow and develop as individuals and as members of families and of social and economic communities. It supports children to make informed decisions about their lives. The curriculum contributes to pupils’ life chances, developing knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes.
Sex and relationship education is taught at appropriate stages of the school and also through other curricular subjects.

The curriculum raises pupil’s awareness and enables them to deal with issues and behaviours including safeguarding, bullying, equal opportunities, racism and discrimination.

If you would like to find out more information about the curriculum at our school, please look at our curriculum overviews, subject pages or contact us via email:

Our subject pages go into more detail as to the subject’s intent, long term plan, progression, as well as the subject’s knowledge, skills, concepts and end points.


Curriculum Overviews
Curriculum Progression Grids
Curriculum Intent Statements