Joining School

When joining Raddlebarn in Nursery or Reception we will visit you at home before you start.

What is a home visit?

(Home visits are for children who are new to Raddlebarn only).
During a home visit, two members of staff from Raddlebarn school will pay a quick visit to your house. Where possible, it will usually be your child’s teacher and teaching assistant.
There is no need to worry, set anything up or do anything out of the ordinary. We will just come briefly to play with your child, have a chat to you to share information and answer any queries you have. It usually lasts 10-15 minutes.

Why do you do them?

Home visits are really beneficial for both you and your child, as well as teachers. It gives your child an opportunity to get to know us, and equally for us to get to know them. It is reassuring for them to see a familiar face on their first day of school
It gives teacher and parent a chance to talk, discuss any medical information, dietary requirements or worries you may have.

Will I be given a specific time?

You will provided with a date and time slot. We will let you know the day will we will come and whether it will be morning (Between 9-11:45) or the afternoon (between 1—3:30)

Times of the Day

· Doors open at 8:40am.
· Register is taken at 8:45am prompt.
· If your child arrives after 8:45am, you must take them to be signed in at the school office.
· Lunch time: EYFS  – 11:30am – 12:30pm. KS1 – 12.00 – 1.00 and KS2 – 12.30 – 1.30
· Home time – 3:15pm .

Each day your child will have the opportunity to learn outdoors so please dress them appropriately for all weathers.
Aprons will always be available but please understand children will get messy as they experiment, explore and learn.

What happens in Reception?

· Balance between adult led activities and child initiated play.
· Children learn through play, selecting where they want to play. Adults move learning on through questioning and quality interactions.
· Balance of carpet time, free choice and adult led activities.
· ‘Free flow’. Children from both classes integrate and can choose to learn in either classroom or outdoors.


· Attendance is monitored as it is extremely important – even in Reception.
· Children are rewarded for good attendance.
· If your child is ill, please contact the school office before 9:30am.
· If your child is sick or has an upset stomach or they must be kept at home for 48 hours.
· If your child becomes ill at school, you will be contacted via phone to come and collect them.

Medicines / First Aid

· If your child is well enough to come to school but needs medicine during the school day, you need to fill in a medicine form at the office. All medication must be handed in to the school office and not left with your child.

Please note:
· We can only give prescribed medication to a child. Medicines given to the office must have correct labelling, of your child’s name from GP or Pharmacy on medication packaging.


· Children in Reception are currently entitled to a free school meal.
· All dinners are cooked in our school kitchen and each day there is a choice of hot meals, including meat, vegetarian and halal options, vegetables and a salad bar. There is then a choice of desserts.
· You MUST let us know of any dietary requirements, allergies or intolerances. These will be discussed with kitchen staff who are able to cater for more dietary needs.
· If your child is not eating their school meal, a member of staff will speak to you and suggest that you provide a healthy packed lunch.
· Raddlebarn promotes healthy eating. We request that packed lunches only contain ONE less healthy option e.g. crisps or a small chocolate bar.
· We are a NUT FREE school due to children with severe allergies. Please do not send your child to school with any food items containing nuts.

Snack During the Day

· Free Fruit ~ All children in Nursery, Reception, Years 1 and 2 receive a piece of free fruit. In Reception, snack is self-service meaning children can decide when they want to eat it.
· Milk ~ Your child can have milk at school. When your child is 3, they are entitled to a free carton of milk. When your child turns 5, they no longer receive this privilege. If you would like your child to continue to have milk, this can be ordered and purchased from
· Water bottles ~ We encourage the children to drink water at school. We will provide your child with a water bottle.

Parent Pay

· Raddlebarn is a ‘cashless school’.
· Any event or item that requires a payment, it can be paid for via Parent Pay.
· This may include: school dinners and trips.
Once your child begins school you will be provided access and a username.


· The rewards assembly takes place each Friday at 9am. Parents are very welcome!
· If your child receives a ‘Special Mention’, you will be sent a text message inviting you and family members to see them receive the award during the Friday assembly.
· If they are chosen to be in the gold book, your children will bring home a small gold card informing you.
· Home awards – once a term children will be invited to share any medals or certificates they have achieved through any out of school activities.
*If you are joining school for the first in years 1-6, we would be delighted to give you a school tour, telephone consultation and answer any queries or questions you may have to put your mind at ease to ensure the transition for your child is smooth and worry free.


Please ensure school knows who should be collecting your child each day. If there is anyone new to collect, when arranging this with the office/class teacher please provide a password. Please note that siblings must be 14 years old or older to collect.

Home School Agreement

Please click here to see our  Home School Agreement