Happy New Year – Nursery

Happy New Year to you all! What a great start to 2024 for the Nursery children. They have returned all fresh and full of enthusiasm and energy. Which is just as well as in Nursery we now have our very own gym, complete with step machine, twist plate, cross trainer and exercise bike – oh and not forgetting the weights!  
Elsewhere, we have seen an explosion of interest in writing particularly with the introduction of our Tales Toolkit area. Tales Toolkit is a resource we have been using since the children arrived in September to teach story telling skills and develop their imaginations.  
Now we have the opportunity for children to draw and write their own stories using the story props in the Tales Toolkit area. We have been blow away by their natural story telling skills and keenness to tell a good yarn! We are even beginning to see some children attempting to write their names – exciting times ahead!