Design Technology


As part of our DT topic, Year 6 have designed, created and evaluated a Wire Loop Game.  We carried out market research to ensure we designed a product suitable for our target demographic, used the acronym CAFQUES to ensure we created a quality product and evaluated the game using our science knowledge to check the game operated effectively.  We had so much fun!

Wild Westwood and Classic Chanel


Year 6 have kick started their Art and Design topic by exploring different fashion designers, such as Pierre Cardin.  We carried out research on how Vivienne Westwood uses fashion to make political statements and how Coco Chanel created the iconic collarless, suit for women and little black dress.

Arts programme with the REP

As part of our on-going Arts programme with the REP we have chosen online tutorials for each year group to continue their study of the Arts. Over the Easter break we’d love for you to show them to your child/children and for them to get involved.
Year 6 = Poetry – Gran, Can You Rap?
Listen to Bhav, he will read the poem aloud.
Do you like to rap? or listen to it?
Did you know that rap is a form of spoken poetry?

Under Construction!

Year 6 have begun their DT topic today and have produced some fantastic Marble Run games to kick start their learning.  They have designed and created the games and will evaluate their product this week 🙂 .  Haven’t they done well!



Shang Oracle Bones

One of the most exciting artefacts we have from the Shang Dynasty are Oracle Bones.  They were used to predict the future and communicate with the Gods.  By interpreting the messages on the bones, we can understand a lot about people’s lives during the Shang Dynasty and what was important to them.
As part of our home learning work, Year 6 have made their own Oracle Bones using salt dough – can you decode the messages?

Stan’s Café! An English/Drama Workshop 

We had a drama group called ‘Stan’s Café’ come in to work with us. We started off by watching an old Formula 1 clip with a focus on the commentators describing what the viewer couldn’t the see. We explored the language they used and how they built up tension with their descriptions.

Following this, we went into the hall and played a game similar to Jenga. In pairs, we approached the game to pull the bricks out. While one child did this, the other pupils imagined that they were commentators and described what was happening. We had examples like: “Betty cautiously approaches the wall and gingerly pulls out her brick”

After that, we had got into teams and gave ourselves suitable racing names like FalconsQuicksilver and Raddlebarn Racers. Two teams at a time then raced each other on a Scalextric track!

Everyone on the team had a different role and we rotated so everyone had a go at each part.

  • Racers
  • Journalists
  • Time keepers
  • Commentator
  • Track Marshalls.

We absolutely loved this activity and our teacher said it was magical watching each child grow in confidence and proudly commentate the race using the microphone.

The next day, we worked in pairs to write a 200-word newspaper report on the final race: Falcons versus Quicksilver!