The Shang Dynasty

Year 6 have loved starting their new topic learning about ‘The Shang Dynasty’. They became historians and found out where the Shang Dynasty was located and explored what these ancient items could have been used for.

Thank you Birmingham Cathedral! 

Year Six enjoyed a fantastic trip to Birmingham Cathedral to learn all about how Christians worship. A group of wonderful volunteers took us into separate groups for a series of engaging workshops to learn about baptism, why Christians pray and the history of stained glass windows.

Welcome back Y6!

What a lovely first week 6BK have had! We’ve enjoyed starting our World War Two topic and learning about the outbreak of war. We have also started learning how light travels for our Science topic. You can see some photos of us using a model to demonstrate light traveling in a straight line from a light source and reflecting off an object into our eyes.

Margo in Margate

Year 6 have worked hard to recreate artwork by Margo McDaid.  Margo McDaid takes inspiration from the coast, outsider art, folklore as well as children’s books.
We reflected on what inspires us and how our art is influenced by our imagination and our experiences.
Take a look at our Margo inspired work.

The Fashionistas of Year 6

Year 6 have designed their own t-shirts based on the fashion designers they have learnt about as part of their Fashion over Time topic.  The creations were influenced by Vivienne Westwood to Pierre Cardin as well as their own interests and passions!
The t-shirts look fantastic and we feel very proud!

Dyes to die for!

Year 6 have been experimenting with natural dyes as part of their Fashion over Time topic.  We boiled red cabbage, turmeric and coffee to dye fabric and evaluate their effectiveness. We had so much fun!