REP project on electricity

6BK are enjoying the REP project on electricity, which is linked to our current science topic. Here you can see pupils working hard to write an educational script on circuits for KS1 pupils. Next week we will be performing it to Year One and Two pupils, with props! Watch this space for the photos!

Year 6 Police Visit

Year Six had a very important visit from local police officers PC Thompson and PCSO Savage to learn about the importance of keeping ourselves safe online. We learnt how to protect ourselves on social media and what we can do when we are worried about something we have seen online. Thank you to our local police officers for the visit and all the information!  

RE – Year 6

In RE, Year 6 have been learning about mercy and forgiveness, they have reflected on how it feels to forgive and be forgiven.  Following this, the children read the school’s Behaviour Policy and then created their own Policy based on what is important to them.

Year 6 Kurling!

To celebrate the Winter Olympics 2022, Year 6 took part in a ‘New Age Kurling’ competition in their KAGAN groups. It was fierce competition with some incredible stone throwing – well done Year 6!

Stop Motion Animation – Year 6

Year 6 have loved creating their Stop Motion Animations about a story from Barbados called ‘The Legend of the Golden Apple Tree’. We linked this to National Story Telling Week and the Commonwealth! #nationalstorytellingweek #commonwealthgames


Civilisations – Shang Dynasty

Year 6 have been learning about the world civilisations that existed during and around the time of the Shang Dynasty.