Decade Day

Today Year 6 celebrated Decade Day!  They chose to come into school styled in a decade of their choice – they absolutely blew us away with their creative outfits.  Well done Year 6!

Year 6 – Fashion!

In Art & Design, Year 6 have been learning more about the design process by drawing a croquis.  They have also sketched their own designer clothes, drawing upon influences from the past.

Year 6 phone cases!

Year 6 have loved making their phone cases today. Children carefully measured pattern pieces and fabric to ensure they were the correct size. It was a lovely way to celebrate the end of SATs week!

Year 6 Commando Joe

Year 6 have become spies in their latest Commando Joe mission.  They have been given the tricky task of crossing enemy lines to carry out important reconnaissance work.  All groups successfully obtained the vital information needed to continue with their mission.  Over and out!

Year 6 Electricity!

Year 6 have had a lovely day planning and carrying out their own scientific investigations today! They were investigating what would happen when you change a variety of components in a circuit.

Warwickshire County Cricket Coach Luke

What an absolutely brilliant afternoon we have had with our Warwickshire county cricket coach Luke. He taught us some fantastic warm up games, recapped the skills needed for cricket and then we played a competitive game. Our teachers were super impressed with our team spirit and how well we collaborated!