Salsa Dancing

Year 6 started working with HEN this week by taking part in a salsa dancing workshop. The children took on the challenge of learning all the steps in a full routine that they performed at the end of the workshop. They showed great resilience, determination and teamwork.


In PE this week, Y6 have been working on some basic swing dance steps: walks, touch steps, triple steps and kick ball changes. We had lots of fun working in small groups to choreograph our own routines using some of these steps!


What a fantastic week of Bikeability Year 6 have had! They have practised controlling their bikes, pedalling and being aware of their surroundings in our school playground before going out onto the roads to learn to pass stationary vehicles, negotiate road junctions and share the road with other vehicles. Well done to you all and many thanks to our wonderful instructors too.

Class Charter

Congratulations to all of Year 6 for making such a wonderful start to the new school year! You have shown such wonderful attitudes to your learning and towards each other this week and we are really looking forward to a great year of hard work, determination and memory making. Thank you all for your valuable contributions to our class charters.

Printing Artist – Y6

Year 6 worked with the screen-printing artist, Anne Brierly this week.  It was an unforgettable experience and the children (and staff) have learnt a skill we’re looking forward to using in the future.

‘Arty’ Year 6

Year 6 have had very ‘arty’ couple of days! They learnt about Islamic art and made some geometric patterns as well as using water colour skills to draw traditional clothing from Botswana #commonwealth #art #watercolour #faith

Fashion over Time – Textiles

Year 6 wrapped up their Fashion over Time Topic by designing their own t-shirts.  Their designs were inspired by fashion through the decades as well as topics that mattered to them.  We finished the day with a fashion show!

Year 6 Jubilee Fun

Children in Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their Jubilee themed day on Monday.  In RE, they made comparisons with the Silver and Platinum Jubilee, cracked Jubilee problems in maths, wrote character descriptions for a guard in English,  and finished the day with a game of pin the jewel on the crown.


Y6 – phone cases

Over the past few weeks, year 6 have been learning about product design in DT. We have investigated different items of clothing and the various stitches used to join them together. We practiced different sewing stitches then designed our own phone case which we then made from fabric, decorated with stitched motifs and joined the phone case together with a running stitch. Here are the fabulous results!!