Art focus days in Y3, 5 and 6

On Monday 30th January, Year 3, 5 and 6 had their art focus days. Year 3 focused on sculpture, Year 5 focused on painting whilst Year 6 developed their printing skills.
The children were really enthusiastic and engaged in their learning working really hard to perfect their art skills! They spoke knowledgeably about their work and work of other artists and were proud of their achievements. Well done!

RE Enquiry in Y6

Year 6 have been carrying out some enquiry work about Islam and Sikhism in RE.   They have gained a deeper understanding of each faith through detailed research.  Well done Year 6!

Year 6 Newsreporters!

In Guided Reading, year 6 have been reading newspaper articles about the World Cup.  To support their understanding of the text, they imagined they were reporters on location in Qatar, delivering a sports item for Newsround.


Year 6 have been learning about microorganisms by investigating helpful and harmful bacteria.  They have conducted an experiment about how quickly mould develops, based on the independent variables they changed such as, temperature and exposure to dirt.

WW2 Themed Tea Dance

A huge well done to Year 6 for their successful enterprise project – a WW2 themed tea dance for our families! They shared info about WW2, served food and drink, and even performed a swing dance! Amazing talent! 


Year 6 trip to the Blitz Museum

Year 6 visited the Blitz Museum in Coventry, and it was a treasure trove of 1940’s history!  The children immersed themselves in the reconstructed 1940s school room, kitchen and bomb shelters. We also explored the Cathedral ruins and could see the devastation caused during the Blitz.

Y6 Parent Workshop

This week Y6 have been looking at WW2 propaganda posters. We also had a go at creating our own! Thank you to all the parents who were able to come into school and join us for this, we hope you enjoyed it!