Little Murmur

Year 6 loved the dance show today. It showcased some very thoughtful and contemporary ideas about dyslexia through the medium of dance. It provided lots of discussions around acceptance and how to deal with adversity.

Final day!

It was sad to say goodbye to our fabulous year 6 children today. We all know they will continue to impress as they move onto the next part of their school journey!

Thank you for all of your support this busy year. We hope that the weather bucks up again, so that everyone can enjoy a super summer 🌞

Circulatory System

Year 6 created a living model to show how the circulatory system works.  Each member of our kagan groups represented the blood pumping around the body.  We used red and blue balloons to represent the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood.


Commando Jo

Year 6 have begun their first Commando Joe mission:  Ibn Battuta.  Before embarking on their journey of exploration across Africa and Asia, they needed to make a pitstop at the Souks of Morocco to buy some much needed supplies.

Volts investigation in Y6

Year 6 carried out a volts investigation this afternoon.  Their aim was to find out whether the number of volts affected the brightness of a bulb or the volume of a buzzer.  The children were literally buzzing with excitement!