Year 6 – Microbit

Year 6 have loved using the new Micro:bits in Computing this week. They used their coding skills, that they have developed on Scratch, to make the Micro:Bits play music, send a message and respond to commands. We will be using these to eventually make a Step Counter! #computing #coding #microbits


TTRock in Y6!

To celebrate Times Table Rockstars Day, Year 6 have had a wonderful time tackling some extremely tricky times table problems! They used lots of trial and error skills to work out the answers and had to persevere through them.  #ttrockstarsday

One Day Creative in Y6

Year 6 had a fantastic time immersing themselves with activities related to the Shang Dynasty. They took themselves back in time about 3000 years ago and explored what life was like. Thank you to One Day Creative for putting together a brilliant day!

Buddhist temple visit

Year 6 loved visiting the Birmingham Buddhist Vihara temple this week. They learnt lots about Buddhists traditions and explored inside the Peace Pagoda. Thank you to Max at the temple for such a wonderful time.

Year 6 Assembly

Year 6 welcomed their family and friends into school for their assembly. It was all about climate change and involved lots of their learning from Geography, Science and English. They shared their biome poems and visited many countries around the world looking at the impact of climate change through their BBC news bulletin. There was even a protest here at Raddlebarn school inspired by Greta Thunberg as part of it. The children took on different roles including those who created all the props, acted out different parts and even managed the technology. We are very proud of their hard work and the confidence with which they presented and performed. Here are some biome poems from our assembly. Can you work out which biome each poem is describing?


Y6 Tea Dance

Year 6 had a wonderful time at their Tea Dance this week.  All children performed their version of a Charleston Dance, recited a World War II poem and took part in the running of the event. We would like to thank everyone who came and manage to raise £62.95 for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2023.

Spoz – Poetry Visit in Y6

Year 6 were so excited to see Spoz again -he worked across the year group creating some sonnets, then hosted a poetry slam at the end of the day. The winning team will be performing in the slam final at the library in December! So excited!

Refraction in Y6

Year 6 have loved experimenting with the refraction of light. They observed what happened to arrows when you look through a glass and water and what happens to images in water. #wearescientists #refraction