5M are Super Scientists!

This week we have been testing different materials to see if they are electrical conductors or insulators. The children made series circuits containing a battery, a bulb and each material tested one at a time, to keep the test fair. If the lamp lit up, the material was an electrical conductor.
We talked about which of these materials would be good for an electrician to use to prevent him or herself from getting an electric shock when working with circuits. Rubber, wood, cardboard and plastic were good electrical insulators. Aluminium and copper were good electrical conductors.
The children then presented their findings orally, using scientific vocabulary and answering our initial question, which was: Which materials are electrical insulators, to keep an electrician safe when working with circuits?

5C have been up and on their feet!

Children in 5C have thoroughly enjoyed composing their own dance following various Greek dance choreographies.

Take a look at what Year 5 have been up to!

This half term in Science we are learning all about properties and changes of materials. We have been testing which materials are hard, translucent, permeable and magnetic.
We also conducted a fair test to find out which material was the best thermal insulator to stop ice from melting (we found this out by measuring how much water was in each bag after a set amount of time, due to the ice melting).
We will be finding out which materials are the best electrical conductors, and we will learn all about separating different types of mixtures, as well as reversible and irreversible changes.
In Topic, the children have enjoyed learning about the Greek myth ‘King Midas and the golden touch’. We have been writing the myth together, applying lots of Year 5 writing skills such as using parenthesis and relative clauses. The next myth we are going learn about is ‘Theseus and the Minotaur’!

Year 5 News

5M – with Miss Montaigu

“5M have had a fantastic first couple of weeks back at school. The children are so happy to be together and are taking the new routines in their stride. We have started to learn about forces and will be doing practical activities to investigate their effects on objects. We are also learning how to take 4 and 6 figure grid references on Ordnance Survey maps, in preparation for our visit to Bewdley. ”

Miss Montaigu


5C – with Mrs Choudri

We have made a great start to this academic year!This term is jampacked with various genres of writing, such as suspense stories, persuasive writing, and poems. Our maths lessons will include place values, statistics, fractions, and calculations.Scientific enquiries into forces, field work on Selly Oak, making movable bridges, online safety . . . the list goes on! Awesome authors, Mathmagicians, Super scientists, graceful gymnasts -Best wishes to you all.

Mrs Choudri