Field Work Investigation – Y5

Year 5 went to Muntz Park to carry out a geographical fieldwork investigation! We studied a digital map first, then grouped human and physical features of the park. We used a compass to answer some questions and drew sketch maps using recognised OS symbols.

Y5 map reading and field work

Year 5 are becoming map experts for their geography “Fieldwork” topic! We learned about features of OS maps, different symbols, studied different types of maps and their purposes and learned to write 4 and 6 figure grid references. We also looked at maps of the area of our Residential trip!

Monarchs in Year 5

Year 5 have learned about more monarchs each week. We learned about King John and the agreements in the Magna Carta, followed by Henry Viii and his reasons for creating the Church of England (& the huge historical consequences that followed).
Last week, we learned about Charles I, then made scrap books comparing what it would have been like in England while Oliver Cromwell then Charles II were in charge. We used primary and secondary sources to record facts, and reviewed the reliability of certain quotes. The children really enjoyed being creative in their history work!

Police Visit – Y5

Year 5 had a visit from police officer Scott Thompson and his colleague Abbie to discuss all things e-safety, and specifically how to stay safe with our smartphones. We discussed the importance of thinking carefully about messages we send as they can always be retrieved!

Author Visit

Year 5 really enjoyed meeting the author Juliet Clare Bell! We talked about her love of writing and the creative freedom that authors have. We even played a game called “What if?” which helped us to think of a fun story plot.

William the Conqueror

Year 5 loved learning about how William the Conqueror became the first Norman king of England. We studied the tapestry of Bayeux and discussed its reliability as a primary historical source. We then made our own tapestry style comic strips sequencing the events leading to the Battle of Hastings in 1066, and what happened as a result.

Year 5 Story Telling

Year 5 loved their oral story telling workshop with Craig from Stan’s Cafe last week! Since 5MO’s country for the Commonwealth Games is India, Craig told us the story of the King and the Tamarind Tree. He showed us how to record this story using diagrams and symbols, and we acted it out!

Year 5 STEAM Project

Year 5 became engineers for their STEAM project this week! We designed a new lunar rover, built the chassis in teams, then used our creativity to build the body and add detail inside. Next week, we are evaluating our designs and filming a sales pitch for the European Space Agency! ⚙️🌒



Year 5 are loving the start of their Space science topic! To begin with, we asked questions about space like professional scientists would, and thought of methods to answer them. We learned what our solar system is made up of and what a galaxy is. We explored how incredibly vast our solar system is, and created our own 1m long models which are a more to scale than most diagrams and show how spread out the planets really are.

Did you know that to make a solar system model that is to scale using a small marble to represent the Earth, your model would need to be approximately 7 miles long?