Balanced arguments in Y5

Continuing into the second week, Year 5 have been looking at balanced arguments in English with a focus on prominent issues in Finland (our Geography topic). The children have done lots of research and completed a verbal debate on Friday which was very successful, we have got lots of fantastic orators in Year 5. We look forward to recording our balanced arguments later this week with a focus on animal tourism.

Greek Pots

The children in Year 5 brought their Greek pots to life in an art day. Following a planning and design session the children worked with air dry clay to create coil clay pots inspired by Greek artistry.
The children were very resilient and created amazing pieces of pottery. This week we will now be creating instructional writing in the style of ‘Art Attack’ to instruct another pupil how to make coil clay pots.

Timezone Visit

Today in year 5 we became Greeks for the day. Lead by Timezone the children got the opportunity to learn more about the history of Ancient Greece including the battles between Athens and Sparta, experiencing games invented during this time (we were very surprised how familiar many of the games were) and finally learnt how to write in Greek and use real quills and ink!
We had an amazing time!


We have a had a fantastic start to Year 5 and we have done a lot of exciting things already.
Year 5 had a great time making 2 parachutes to test air resistance by changing one variable, which in this case was the size of the parachute. Each group used a timer to record how long it took to fall.

Portraits – Y5

Year 5 are portrait artists! We practised drawing detailed features, using the correct proportions and adding shading. Next time, we are selecting different media to add some colour!

Frank Chapman

Here are a few photos of our wonderful trip to the Frank Chapman centre with Year 5. We also did a blindfolded walk through a muddy forest and orienteering. The children absolutely loved it and all showed courage and super teamwork!

Y5 Science

Year 5 have been learning how to separate mixtures, solutions and suspensions by either using filtration, magnetism, evaporation or sieving. This helped us to understand that some changes are reversible! Next week, we are exploring irreversible changes in which a new material has been formed due to a chemical reaction.