Y5 Bridge Making

For their DT project, Y5 researched bridges. They looked at drawbridges, vertical-lift bridges, curling bridges and many more. They considered how the bridges moved then learnt about cross sectional diagrams before designing their own bridge. The children then worked in groups to make a bridge that fit the following criteria:
Must be sturdy and stable
Must be symmetrical (except winch system)
Must be moveable

Poetry in Y5

Year 5 focused on the poem ‘At the end of the day’ by Matt Goodfellow. During guided reading we discussed the characters in the poem, how they were related and whether they had a good relationship or not. The children then worked in groups to create their own free verse poem including a teacher and a pupil. 
After that, they reflected on the original poem shared and thought about what they would write in their own notebook. They then developed these ideas to form an original poem. 

Year 5 Pottery

Year 5 had a fantastic art focus day on sculpture. We looked at and analysed the work of 3 artists who use clay to create beautiful sculptures. We then looked at a range of example Greek pots before designing our own (to be made out of clay coils). The teachers modelled clay sculpting techniques and the children then made their own pots (based on their design). The children (and teachers) were thrilled with the pots made. We even had a class gallery at the end of the day to showcase and evaluate the work with our peers. 

Social Enterprise in Y5

The children in year 5 had a fantastic time creating paper sunflowers for their parents to thank them for their support this year. The children worked diligently to design and fold the paper to created flower-like structures. It was lovely to see the smiles on the adults’ faces when they were handed out.

Maths Week in Y5

Today, year 5 took part in a HSBC workshop for Maths week where we learnt about spending when gaming and how to apply our maths skills to ensure we are using money effectively. The children learnt the value of the gaming industry and how to ensure they don’t overspend when gaming.

We also had a fantastic afternoon working through a maths problem based on saving. This really helped our financial understanding and allowed us to apply our maths skills.


Hong Kong

5M spent this week researching about Hong Kong and made a lovely scrap book about some interesting facts. It was great to learn about the physical and human geography of Hong Kong. Also, some children from Hong Kong brought in some artifacts and taught us how to speak Cantonese. We finished off One world week by writing a postcard to our families about our experience of Hong Kong.



We have had an amazing week studying and celebrating countries from around the world. We have been looking at the country, Ukraine.
Here are some of the things we have been doing this week!
We’ve learnt about the physical Geography of this country building upon our locational knowledge. We’ve learnt about the human Geography including landmarks, language, culture and traditions.


Over this half term, Year 5 have been learning about different Art skills to create a detailed drawing. Last week, we looked at Pablo Picasso’s paintings and focused how to shade with sketching pencils to using continuous lines . We are really enjoying this topic.

5M Library visit

We had a wonderful morning visiting Stirchley library. 5M read a range of books from fiction to non- fiction and comic books too.  We would love to visit again and maybe convince our parents to get a Library card too!