4M – Viking Warriors!

We have been enjoying getting to grips with our new topic about Vikings. We have made timelines of key individuals including Alfred the Great and his interesting part in our nation’s history. We even created some Viking shields and longboat models and learnt about ways they were used by the invaders from the past!

Year 4 News

Y4 Remote Learning Timetable for week beginning 28th September 2020

Yr4 Plan Online learning – 280920

Y4 Remote Learning Timetable for week beginning 21st September 2020

Yr4 Online learning timetable V2


4M – with Mr McFarlane – Majeed

“We are glad to be back at school even though it does look and feel slightly different. We are all keeping each other and the school safe but most of all we are enjoying learning in a classroom once again! We are excited about this year and can’t wait for all the brilliant things to come.”

Mr M


4H – with Miss Hall

“4H have had a fantastic start back in school, we’re really excited about the year ahead.
The changes such as increased hand washing, distancing and the independent use of resources have been met with thought and even excitement about the pencil cases. “
Miss Hall