Year 4’s art days!

Year 4 have had two exciting art focus days this half term: printing and sculpture.
During our printing art focus day, we learnt how to create prints using two different techniques: monoprinting and relief printing. We learnt that printmaking is the artistic process of transferring one image, from a block/matrix, on to another surface. We generated ideas for prints (based on seasons) in our sketchbooks and practised printing using polystyrene relief printing and acetate monoprinting. We then chose a final design to use for our calendars. We loved our day and created some beautiful prints.
During our sculpture art focus day, we learnt how to use paper mache. We linked this to our history topic: Vikings/Anglo-Saxons and made 3D helmets. We tore strips of newspaper and layered them with paste onto balloons to create a helmet shape. We looked at Anglo-Saxon art and tried to incorporate symbols like fish, boar and eagles on to our helmets by twisting and manipulating the newspaper to mould these shapes.

Y4 Art Day

On Monday 5th December Year 5 took part in an Art day to create their own printed Christmas decorations for the Winter Bizarre. We began by researching different design patterns such as Christmas trees and then introduced the method of string stencilling. The children then created their own string stencils on cardboard and begin using them for printing. They then stamped the design onto gift tags a perfect addition to any present. Come join us at the Winter Bazaar with the chance of purchasing these fabulous decorations!

Y4 Art Focus Day – Printing

Year 4 have had a lovely ‘Art Focus Day’ learning how to print using polystyrene and acetate. We researched ideas, practiced printing and created their calendars ready to sell at the Winter Bizarre on Thursday 8th December! Please come along and see our finished pieces 🙂 

Teeth Experiment

Year 4 have planned, set up and carried out an experiment designed to show the effect different liquids can have on our teeth! They tested Coke, Milk, Water and Energy Drinks. Take a look at our results so far 😮

Y4 Poets!

The Year 4s have loved learning about different types of poems. We analysed the structure of tetractys and tanka poems, generated vocabulary and phrases based on extreme weather and wrote our own poems in these styles.

Y4 journalists

Year 4 have become Journalists today and found out lots of information about the 2005 tornado that hit Birmingham! They even interviewed Mrs Ahmed who was working during the natural disaster!

Lapworth Museum for 4M

4M had a brilliant time at Lapworth Museum today. They learnt about dinosaurs, fossils, precious stones, volcanoes and earthquakes! All the children were really enthusiastic and loved the learning we did today. They should be very proud of themselves.


Lapworth Museum – Y4

What a fantastic day 4O have had at Lapworth Museum! We learnt lots about Earthquakes and Volcanoes, held rocks and fossils, tested our engineering skills and even made a volcano erupt! Thank you Lizzy at Lapworth for such a superb time. #lapworthmuseum #extremeweather


A superb start in Year 4!

What a superb start to Year 4! Children have returned from the summer break with smiles on their faces and are full of energy. This week we have been talking about our rights and responsibilities. Children spoke about what they wanted their classroom environment to be like and agreed our “Class Charter!”. We are all so excited for another super year 🙂 
Here is an example of the 4O class charter: