Year 4 STEAM

Year 4 really enjoyed their STEAM day. We made musical instruments and explored how to change pitch/volume. We even created a composition with our Kagan groups and performed it to the rest of the class!

Poetry in Y4

4M have thoroughly enjoyed writing poems this week. The children had to include metaphors and similes in their poems and created some brilliant work.


4M have loved learning about Tunisia this week! They have learnt about the physical and human features of Tunisia as well as the culture, arts, food, festivals, football team and lots more. They carried out their own research and then produced a page for our ‘All About Tunisia’ book. They even found out that some scenes in Star Wars were filmed there!


4O celebrated One World Week by making Flip Books with facts about the human and physical geography of Romania. We learnt about the food, culture and climate!

4M Library visit

4M loved their trip to Stirchley library! For some children it was their first ever library visit. We learnt about how the library works and spent time reading different books. The children were amazed at the amount of books. They loved finding books linked to the topics covered so far this year. We even found a book about sound – our current topic!

Year 4 artists!

Take a look at our latest art work. We have completed self-portraits in the style of Frida Kahlo and also looked at how to convey mood with colour taking inspiration from Pablo Picasso. We linked our PSHE enterprise project to our art topic and painted pictures to sell in the style of Edward Hopper. So far we have raised over £50 – thank you for your donations!
Y4 have absolutely loved their art topic this half term! 

TTRockstars Fun in Year 4

Y4 competed in an exciting TTRockstar year group battle, completed two maths investigations as well as listening to and writing our own maths multiplication story. In the first maths investigation there was a list of clues for us to use to work out the number in the hundred square. We needed to decide which clues were useful and which were NOT helpful. The second investigation challenged us to work out the numbers for each shape. We absolutely loved being rockstars for the day! 


Art Topic – Y4

Year 4 are thoroughly enjoying their art topic. They have learnt to use watercolour paint techniques, acrylic paint techniques and have worked in the style of/taken inspiration from the following artists: Claude Monet and Paul Klee. We’ve also completed artist profiles and found out about different art movements. Take a look at the beautiful work in our sketchbooks!

Science week in Y4

Earlier in the week Year 4 were sound detectives and explored how sound travels. We made listening devices to help us hear sound in different ways.  We learnt that sound travels in waves called sound waves. Sound waves travels through air, water and solid objects and causes particles to vibrate and collide with other particles. In guided reading we read about Anders Celius and summarised what we had learnt. Did you know he created a temperature scale? We have loved Science week.