Y4 parent workshop

Y4 had a fantastic session with parents on Wednesday where we created a times table spinner game to play at home to help learn the times tables to 12x. We started by challenging the parents to a game on TTRS, we had a lot of fun! Each person made 3 spinners to now use at home to help them with the times tables they are finding tricky to remember.
If you were unable to attend, the pack to create spinners will be sent home with your child. Thank you very much to those who were able to attend.

Anglo Saxon Art Day

Year 4 had a brilliant Art day, focusing on sculpture, creating our own ‘Anglo Saxon’ themed sculpted shields. We studied famous sculptors, including Salvador Dali, and then looked at the symbolism of animals and shapes in ‘Anglo Saxon’ lore. We designed our own versions and then used paper mache to build our sculptures. Following drying time, we then used muted colours to decorate our sculptures.


The children in Year 4 had a fantastic finale to their Geography topic about natural disasters and weather patterns. We investigated the volcanic process and creating an example of how the eruption takes place.
We are looking forward to our new topic starting in Autumn 2.

Playhouse Anti-bullying Workshops

The anti-bullying workshops have aided school discussions this week in PSHE, where we have discussed our rights and responsibilities around school. We came up with a lovely list of rules to keep us safe and happy at school to aid our learning. Our children have loved being detectives and figuring out solutions to problems. We remembered clues from the story and used them to help lead detective Malcom.

Year 3 and 4 Drama Club

The Year 3 and 4 after school drama club performed a superb mini production on Thursday for their parents. The children showed off their developing oracy skills, performance ability and flourishing self-confidence. It was fabulous to see how much they’ve gained from attending this club. We’d like to say, on behalf of the parents and children at Raddlebarn, a massive thank you and good luck to Rob who had received a well-deserved promotion at the REP meaning he will no longer be an in-school artist. He will be greatly missed and we wish him all the best. Thank you Rob!

Stable Structures

Y4 have thoroughly enjoyed investigating stable structures. They made simple 3D shapes out of card and load tested them to failure (using books). They then strengthened and reinforced the shapes and carried out another load test to see how many more books their structures could now hold. They also made geodesic domes.

Art Day in Y4 – Drawing

Y4 had an absolutely amazing drawing art focus day. They looked at the work of Shania Mcdonagh (hyperrealist drawings) and Paul Cezanne (still life drawings), recapped their knowledge of line and tone and learnt a variety of drawing techniques such as cross hatching and contour hatching. Look at their fabulous work! Keep an eye out for their still life drawings (to be completed).


Maths Week in Y4

Y4 planned some fantastic parties for their maths week investigation as part of maths week. They had to plan a party for 8 children which included food, drink and entertainment on a budget of £100.