Art Focus Day Y4

What a talent group Y4 are! Today, for our Art day, we looked at the techniques for creating texture, shading and definition in drawings. Using graded pencils, after several example pieces, we had a go at creating our own interpretations of Paul Cezanne or Shania Mcdonagh works.

Tag Rugby

Congratulations to our Y4 tag-rugby team, who took park in a festival at Kings Norton Rugby Club, Hopwood, on Thursday. Despite being their first experience of inter-school tag, the children did brilliantly, showed great teamwork and sporting attitude, were enthusiastic and scored some fantastic tries. Well done!

Y4 – Cultural Structures

On Monday, Year 4 took part in a cultural French lesson where we studied the structure of the Eiffel tower and then had a go at replicating this using art straws. The children showed their amazing engineering skills, team work and communication to create some fabulous, replica structures.

Y4 on Geography Day

4HW focused on Williams journey in Alaska for Geography day. We looked at the route he takes to school and the beautiful landmarks he comes across.

The children in 4H, spent their morning learning about Lexi’s life in Nuuk, Greenland. We learnt about why different places on earth experience time differently and what this means for what another child’s day like. We researching the human and physical features of this city and created our own cartoon strips about Lexi’s day.


Y4 – Science week

For Science Week Year 4 have created Pendulum timers to measure time. It was a great science week experiment!

The children had a fabulous session learning about how time was told before modern clocks. The children then had a go at making their own pendulums and testing out different weights to see the movement of the pendulum.

Professor McGinty

Year 3 had an incredible time last week with Professor McGinty learning all about Roman Britain! Then Year 4 learnt about the Vikings! We handled artefacts, learned some interesting facts and even tried on some clothes!