Arts programme with the REP

As part of our on-going Arts programme with the REP we have chosen online tutorials for each year group to continue their study of the Arts. Over the Easter break we’d love for you to show them to your child/children and for them to get involved.

Year 2 = Poetry – The Owl and the Pussycat
Have you heard this poem before? It’s one of Miss Hall’s favourites.
Listen carefully to Bhav, he will read the poem aloud.
Do you know what noise an owl makes?

A Victorian day in 2G

What 2G thought about their Victorian Day…

Anna – I did not like eating the gruel, but I liked playing with the toys. I would not like to be a Victorian child. (2G)

Lucy – The best part was the English; the worst part was eating the gruel. (2G)
Morgan – The worst part was eating the gruel; the best part was playing with the toys. I do not want to be a Victorian child. (2G)
Hannah Westwood – I liked everything, I felt overjoyed. (2G)

School Gruel!

Year 2 have had a great day learning more about the life of a Victorian child. The children really entered into the spirit of the day, dressing up as Victorian children and playing along with the changes to the classroom.
The children experienced what school life was like – writing with fountain pens and ink, reciting the times table and learning poems by heart. We then tried ‘gruel’ with interesting results.
Later on in the day, we explored different Victorian toys, made a rag wreath and practiced singing Victorian Christmas carols. What a great day!

2P have been all over the world….

2P have had a great week finding out about 2D and 3D shapes. We have looked at a range of interesting buildings from around the world including St Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow, the Beehive in New York and Birmingham library to identify the different shapes we could see in the buildings.
We then used junk modelling materials to make our own buildings.
A big thank you to all the parents that donated junk modelling materials!

Budding artists in 2P!

This week we have been learning about George Cadbury, how he built the Bournville village and his contribution to life in Birmingham.
On Friday, we sketched his portrait and then painted it using water colour paints. The children worked so hard and really blew us away with their talents!

‘Weave’ been working really hard in 2P…

2P have had a great afternoon learning how to weave on a loom. As part of our topic on What effect did the Victorians have on our lives and the lives of others?’ we have been finding out about life in the workhouse and the types of jobs people had to do. The children enjoyed learning how to weave but agreed they wouldn’t like to do it all day, every day!