William Morris

This week Year 2 have been learning about the print artist, William Morris.  We observed nature, carried out rubbings then sketched and block printed our designs to create repeated patterns.  Take a look at our William Morris inspired art!


Victorian Day – Year 2

Year 2 looked amazing in their Victorian clothing. We had such a busy day. We read poetry and wrote our Maths work in chalk. We tasted gruel and surprisingly some children asked for more! During the afternoon we used the skipping ropes and played simple ball games.

Research Skills – Y2

Year 2 have been using their emerging research skills to identify a variety of world habitats and the animals and plants that live in them.  The research involved asking questions and finding the answers through non-fiction books, the internet and adapted research papers.  We had a lot of fun!

Year 2 Poetry

In Y2 we read a poem called Nature Trail by Benjamin Zephaniah.
We discussed the poem and how it made us feel. We acted out the poem by pretending to be the animals.
We wrote our own poems called My Safe Place.
Here are a few of them.
During the day we read our poems to the rest of the class. Some of us were able to recite our poems without looking at our books.

PE in Year 2

This term, Year 2 have been learning how to throw and catch effectively. We’ve had so much fun learning the techniques to hit a target with skill and precision as well as to catch an object successfully.

Year 2 Parent Workshop

Year 2 had so much fun during their parent workshop – the focus of the session was ‘Living Things and their Habitats’. We carried out research about world habitats and created collages of them. We all had so much fun!

Year 2 Explorers

Today, Year 2 explored the school garden to locate minibeasts. We knew they could be hiding in various microhabitats such as under logs, on top of leaves, in the soil or even behind rocks! We counted them up and the next day analysed the data collected.

Playhouse Anti-bullying Workshops

The anti-bullying workshops have aided school discussions this week in PSHE, where we have discussed our rights and responsibilities around school. We came up with a lovely list of rules to keep us safe and happy at school to aid our learning. Our children have loved being detectives and figuring out solutions to problems. We remembered clues from the story and used them to help lead detective Malcom.

Maths Investigation – Y2

Year 2 really enjoyed their investigation working out the ingredients for a witches potion for maths week!
The witch needed a 24-leg potion to turn her teachers into a frog! We were trying to find all the different possibilities!