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Yr4 Online learning timetable 14.12.20

Yr4 Online learning timetable 7.12.20


The Vikings have arrived in 4H!

On the 11th November Year 4 celebrating Viking day, unfortunately Time-zone have had to re-schedule their visit so we spent the day immersing ourselves into the lives of Vikings.

We made mask, shields, helmets and longboats, learning about the traditions and practises of the Vikings.

The children really enjoyed this experience and worked extremely hard on their creations. Well done!

Y6 have become keen Geographers!

In geography, we have been learning about how longitude and latitude lines can help locate places in the world.  We listened to a catchy song to help us remember how longitude and latitude works!

Maths and Language Superstar

This afternoon Miss Lowry had a special visitor from Nursery who came with Miss Killelay to share some fabulous number and language work. They were able to use language like ‘less’ and ‘more’ and explained beautifully how they had been counted into the groups. I think you will agree that this deserved a very special award sticker. We are incredibly proud of this work shared today.


HOPE Workshops

HOPE by The Playhouse
The HOPE project is a participatory workshop which is based around a fictional historical town where a plague occurs. Juliet (the lead actress) explored, with the children, how different characters may feel when separated from other townships as well as other effects of the plague. They also reflected on the support given from others as well as how the characters helped themselves during this time. This, alongside the resources, enabled the children to reflect upon their own feelings during lockdown as well as reflect on the feelings of others.

World Mental Health Day

Today we are wearing yellow to raise awareness of World Mental Health Day. We arrived at school to find little messages all around are school! Here are some of them, but there are many, many more!

School Councillors


Our children have been voting for their class councillor to represent them on the School Council Board and we would like to congratulate:

Meena, Robyn, Sayuri, Sam, Faith and Milah

(we look forward to adding Y4 when they return and have placed their votes too)