Raddlebarn skips Bronze and gets awarded the Artsmark Silver Award!!!

A huge congratulations to senior leaders who have pulled together a compilation of the selection of ‘arts’ across the school. We are extremely proud of the arts offer and creativity that we have at Raddlebarn!

Special thanks to The Hippodrome, The REP, Stan’s Cafe, The Playhouse, The Music Service, Digbeth Dining Club CIC, Steamhouse, Birmingham City University, Autin Dance Company, Linden Dance Company, Garry Jones, Jo Jones to name but a few. These partners off their experience and expertise to our children, staff and school community.

3L’s STEAM Project

Wow, we have worked so hard this term! It has been great! This week, to finish, we have been doing our STEAM project. We made games linking Science ( Magnets and Forces) Geography (UK), English ( Questioning) , Art and DT. We made the most amazing games that work by magnets moving our counters. We had so much fun! Now we deserve a lovely half term break!

Green Flag for Y6

As part of our geography topic, we carried out some work towards the Eco Schools Green Flag application.  We analysed the Birmingham Travel Plan to identify any changes that have already been made as well as exploring the benefits and concerns of the introduction of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods.  Finally, we created information posters to promote the use of The Blue Cycle Route to visit local places of interest.

A Victorian day in 2G

What 2G thought about their Victorian Day…

Anna – I did not like eating the gruel, but I liked playing with the toys. I would not like to be a Victorian child. (2G)

Lucy – The best part was the English; the worst part was eating the gruel. (2G)
Morgan – The worst part was eating the gruel; the best part was playing with the toys. I do not want to be a Victorian child. (2G)
Hannah Westwood – I liked everything, I felt overjoyed. (2G)