Bake Off update

Thank you to everyone who came to our EYFS and KS1 Bake Sale on the last day before half term. The children really enjoyed making the cakes, scones and biscuits.
The KS2 children taking part in Junior Bake Off worked so hard and during the day they made the official Kings Coronation Quiche and an Eton Mess. They showed great skill using the cooking equipment and produced some tasty food. We had judges from Digbeth Dining Club as well as each class having a look around and voting for their favourite chef. 
Congratulations to the winners 
Y6 Muhammad
Y5 Ovi
Y4 Morgan
Y3 Amarah 

Book Swap Coming Soon

There’s no such thing as owning too many books – not in our eyes anyway. Many of you have asked us whether we have any reading ‘books for pleasure’ for the children to take home alongside school reading books. Well, you will be pleased to know a member of our PTA has created a waterproof book box for the playground. In it, Miss Huxley is going to fill it with some pre-loved reading favourites! At the start and the end of the day you can have a look at what is inside. The idea is simple – all you need to do is ‘bring a book, take a book’ – it’s that easy.

By using our outdoor book swap you may be able to find something you’ve been wanting to read for ages, a book that has been read and lovingly passed on to its next owner several times, or even a brand-new copy of something that piques your interests. It will the perfect opportunity read new books and find a new book to love, check out an author you haven’t read before, or pick up a classic to share with the family. Even if a book is pre-loved, it’s an amazing feeling to know that someone has read and enjoyed the same story before you, and read the same pages.

Coming soon – keep an eye out on the playground!

International Evening!

What an amazing start to One World Week with our International Evening! I’d like by saying a massive thank you to all our volunteers who shared their heritages through information, stories, foods, dance and clothing- it was incredibly beautiful and diverse experience. The children and adults alike had an amazing time and certainly left with smiles and full tummies.
Thank you, Miss Hall and Miss Sheahan

Baroness Estelle Morris visit

Gill Sparrow (Consortia Partner, BEP), Rav Lalli (Enterprise Co-ordinator, BEP) and Baroness Estelle Morris  visited Raddlebarn Primary & Nursery School today to see our magnificent Arts offer, our wonderful  Nursery environment and for a whole school tour to look at all we do for our children. It was a lovely visit and they were suitably impressed.
“I leave here truly inspired”,
Baroness Estelle Morris.

Walk to School week is coming up!

Next week, 15th-19th May it is Walk to School week. We will be encouraging families to walk, bike or scoot to school.   We know this is a little difficult for families who don’t live close to school so alternatively, you can ‘park and stride’ which means parking a little further away from school and walking the last bit.  
We all know that exercise and fresh air is really good for our health and helps to reduce pollution in the environment!   There will be stickers and rewards for those who have joined in. 


Congratulations to King Charles III

What a special week our children have had celebrating the King’s coronation. From creating bunting which has been put around the school community on the high street, to learning about the traditions in class through different subjects, to having an afternoon tea on Friday! We can’t wait to share our memories from the weekend, when we are back in school.

We need you!

We want to promote ambitions, aims and life goals here at Raddlebarn, reinforcing the message that anything is possible!
We are holding what we hope to be the first of our annual Careers Fairs at school.
On Thursday 8th June from 1.45-3.15 we would like ambassadors that represent different careers and professions to come and host a stall sharing information about what the job involves; how do you go about getting a job like this and what the job is like.
Do you think you could give just a couple of ours of your time to come and help inspire our next generation?
Please do get in touch and ask to speak to a senior leader for more information.