Pumpkin Carving Workshop

What an amazingly spooky way to finish off this half term!
It was so lovely to bring the school community together with a shared pumpkin carving workshop. We had some great feedback from our families and some really cool pumpkin designs. Well done everyone!

Wear it Pink Day

It was a sea of pink in school today and it has really brightened up a blustery day! We would like to thank you all for your generous donations.

This cause is extremely close to our hearts as we have very own pink warrior Ms Cullen, who is awesome in every single way! So, please if you haven’t managed to donate there is still time, pop into the school office and we will pop your donation in the donation box.

We raised over £300! Thank you all!

MacMillan Coffee Morning

Once again thank you to our school councillors who ran our MacMillan Coffee Morning and to everyone who donated and joined us on the morning. We raised a huge £105.66!

Thank you all for your continued support!

Sports News

It continues to be a busy period for our pupils. Following on from participation in inter-school basketball festivals for our KS2 children who wished to extend their competitive experience of the game, the past week has seen our involvement in the District girls’ football tournament and an inter-school tag-rugby festival at Kings Norton Rugby Club.
The girls’ football saw a strong performance from our team in a highly competitive competition, where we recorded several wins and missed out on 4th place by a single point. The tag-rugby event was more of a development opportunity for new players, with lots of fun and a noticeable improvement in performance over the session, with many of our pupils extending their sporting experience and playing the game for the first time.

National Poetry Day

Thursday 5th October was National Poetry Day – the theme of the day was ‘Refuge’. Children across the school have been reading a range of poems, then had a go at writing their own. Here are some of the poems they looked at:

Nursery – Take a Deep Breath by Joseph Coelho

Reception – The Grass House by Shirley Hughes

Y1 – My Treasures by Kate Wakeling

Y2 – Nature Trailby Benjamin Zephaniah

Y3 I Opened a Book by Julia Donaldson

Y4 – On the Move Again by Michael Rosen

Y5 – At the End of the Day by Matt Goodfellow

Y6 – Leading with Kindness by Brian Bilson

Please enjoy reading these poems at home – you can find them online!
Our children then had a go at writing some poems in the style of the poets they were looking at – We have collated a few of the children’s poems from across the school onto a padlet for you to enjoy. Check them out here.
Year 6 had a really interesting poem (Leading with Kindness by Brian Bilson) – If you read it downwards, it sends out one message, but if you read it from the bottom from the top the meaning changes in a positive way – some of our children had a go at doing that themselves!
Also, children aged 8 and over can enter the National Poetry Competition. Children are invited to write a poem about how they can find refuge or a safe space to express themselves. Enter your child’s poem here by midnight on 16th November 2023 for a chance to win a visit from the poet Matt Goodfellow and signed copies of his book!

Playhouse Anti-bullying Workshops

The anti-bullying workshops have aided school discussions this week in PSHE, where we have discussed our rights and responsibilities around school. We came up with a lovely list of rules to keep us safe and happy at school to aid our learning. Our children have loved being detectives and figuring out solutions to problems. We remembered clues from the story and used them to help lead detective Malcom.