International Christmas Cards

Earlier in December we sent some Christmas cards to a school in Pakistan and in Canberra, Australia and we have been lucky enough to receive lots of celebration cards in return from students there. The children have really enjoyed learning about how Christmas is celebrated differently around the world and other celebrations that the students really enjoy such as Diwali and Chinese New Year. We hope to keep our connections with these schools and do some more projects in the future.

SMSC award – gold

We are absolutely delighted to inform you that following the recent successful verification visit, Raddlebarn Primary & Nursery School has been awarded gold level of the National SMSC Quality Mark, and this has been confirmed by the Quality Assurance Panel. The assessor said there are many clear SMSC related strengths at Raddlelbarn; the following are a just a few key examples:

• Coverage of SMSC across the curriculum – our provision for SMSC related learning across the curriculum is a big part of the school’s identity, vision, and strategy for improving outcomes for children.
• Cultural and creative opportunities – we have a wonderful, vibrant, and engaging
aspect to both our curriculum and wider enrichment opportunities in school. This
means that pupils are encouraged to try new things, be creative and frequently
experience a genuine sense of awe and excitement during their time at Raddlebarn.
• Pro-active work around diversity and inclusion – this was one of the most impressive
elements of our provision. Our proactive desire to help our children understand
the wider world, and build acceptance and inclusion is commendable.

The fact that we have maintained, and built upon, our previous silver verification in
2020 is further testimony to how highly SMSC is valued in our school. Well done to all!

Pathway to Podium – Bronze

Pathway to Podium is a programme to recognise and celebrate the commitment of Birmingham schools to PE, school sport and physical activity as part of a more enriched curriculum. We are pleased to announce we have achieved bronze!

Bed Time Stories

We were so excited to run our EYFS and KS1 Bed Time Stories event this week. It was such a fantastic evening, with teachers, teaching assistants, our local librarian and local story teller sharing their favourite stories!