International Evening!

What a fantastic end to One World Week – We have had a fantastic week learning about different cultures and countries. Then on Thursday we enjoyed celebrating as a fantastic school community – thank you to our families for coming and sharing your experiences (and your lovely food!)


Art News!

Birmingham Arts School recognised Raddlebarn’s commitment to the Arts earlier in the year, when they commissioned their cultural landscape work, where Raddlebarn was awarded number 1 in the West Midlands for their partnership work in schools.

They are now hosting city-wide awards and Raddlebarn has yet again been recognised and have been nominated for 4 categories and Miss Lowry specifically for 1 award.

We were nominated for:

  • Drama award for partnerships with Birmingham Hippodrome, for the Birmingham REP sand for Stan’s Cafe
  • New partnership Award with Birmingham Hippodrome

Miss Lowry has been nominated for The Changemaker Award by a number of organisations.

This is what Bhavik Palmer from the REP has said about her:

” Angela Lowry has made a remarkable contribution to arts education at Raddlebarn Primary & Nursery School. Angela’s dedication and leadership in promoting the arts is truly commendable, and her nomination is a testament to her impactful work. The judges would like to reiterate that they feel Angela is an incredibly strong candidate for this award and she has gone above and beyond to enrich the lives of their students through arts and cultural learning. We would like to convey our sincere appreciation for her continued commitment to fostering creativity and collaboration within her school community. Angela’s long-term commitment to embedding arts practice in schools, her efforts to instill creativity in young people, and her advocacy for the importance of arts in education are all deeply valued. Her legacy of providing opportunities for students, teachers, and artists alike will undoubtedly continue to positively impact the lives of many. We are grateful for Angela’s contributions and the positive influence she has had on arts education. “

Bake Off 2024

We have a fabulous Bake Off this week! Well done to all the chefs in KS2 who did an excellent job. They have made French Tomato and Mustard Tart followed by a Blueberry Smoothie. They were marked on their skill, organisation, presentation and how each thing tasted.


Walk to School Week

Next week, 20 – 24th May it is Walk to School week. We will be encouraging families to walk, bike or scoot to school.   We know this is a little difficult for families who don’t live close to school so alternatively, you can ‘park and stride’ which means parking a little further away from school and walking the last bit.
We all know that exercise and fresh air is really good for our health and helps to reduce pollution in the environment!   There will be stickers and rewards for those who have joined in.

Junior PCSOs

Six children from Y4 – Y6 have been selected to participate in the Junior PCSO scheme and will be working alongside West Midlands Police to improve the school environment and keep everyone safe. Today we welcomed PCSOs Toni Jones and Julie Jeffries to school. They met with the children to discuss their roles as Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) and discuss what the children will be doing in their roles going forward.

Northern Lights

Miss Killelay spotted the Northern Lights in the night sky last night! She used automatic night mode on her phone with 3-10 second exposure and a very steady hand. Have a look outside and see if you can see some rainbows in the night skies.  Send us your pics! 

Pizza and Beats!

Big thanks to Lazy Raven for the wonderful summer vibes – they never fail to disappoint. Thanks also to Loaf for their generous dough-nation and also to the wonderful mums and dads who worked endlessly making the pizzas – you were all amazing.
The final thanks goes to everyone who came along and joined in the fun! Friends of Raddlebarn made over £1440!!!

Our Opal Playground Launch

Wow – what a fantastic launch we had for our new, improved playground offer at lunch times on Monday. The children all had an absolutely fantastic time in all of the new play zones. We have ball games, creative area, sand and water play, gardening, small world, some cosy huts for reading, large loose parts building, and a costume/stage area. This is just the start – we have further plans for the rest of the term and into next academic year to make things even better! Here are some photos and pupil snapshots showing the positive impact it is having already.

‘I like the doll’s house because you can do so many things with it and use your mind to create stories and renovate the doll’s house and furniture.’

‘I love how we get to use our imagination to create things like cars and dens with the large loose parts.’

‘I loved how everybody had something to do!’

‘I like the place where you can draw with water. I enjoyed all of the activities.’

”My favourite zone is gardening because it is peaceful and you are able to experience the exciting feeling of creating life.’

‘I liked dressing up because it was funny watching people acting.’

‘I really liked the sand pit also the skipping ropes, hula hoops also the small world. I basically love everything it has proven a huge impact to the playground.’

‘My favourite bit of the playground was the den – it was absolutely amazing.’

‘Building your own car was fun. I like that trial and error while building and you have your creativity opened up!’