Some important information for the first day back…

We are looking forward to welcoming you all back ready to learn lots of wonderful new skills.

School opens for children at 8.40 . Remember the importance of arriving on time so children have access to vital early morning work time!
A few things to remember this term:
This first week we will be using the lower gate on Gristhorpe Rd as an entrance and the gate onto Muntz park as the exit.
School will be closed to children on Friday 21st April, for teacher training.
We have some great family events coming up, such as: King Charles Coronation; The Bake Off; Sports Day; Raddlebarn In Bloom and much more!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in contact.

We cannot wait to see you!

Teachers as Readers

We believe reading is the gateway to learning and a key priority. We have set up a reading recommendation board in our staffroom and book swap, to promote reading and develop teachers as readers alongside our children,



The Raddlebarn Strings Ensemble

The Raddlebarn Strings Ensemble performed in the Area Schools Gala Concert on Monday evening at the prestigious Royal Birmingham Conservatoire.  Our ensemble is a group of committed musicians who meet every week after school to play and rehearse together, as well as practising their pieces at home. They performed brilliantly, oozing with confidence, to a packed auditorium. We are extremely proud of them all!
Our thanks go to Mrs Muncey, their conductor and leader, the staff who support the group with rehearsals and getting to concerts, the families who encourage our musicians, but, most of all, to our wonderful musicians themselves for their hard work and dedication.

Easter Assembly

This week KS1 AND KS2 had a special visitor to lead their assemblies. Helen Buckley from St Stephens Church, joined us to talk about the Christian observance of Easter and posed some questions for us to consider, about Jesus and the time before and after his Resurrection.

Girls’ Football

On Tuesday, our Y3/4 girls played their first matches indoors at Selly Park Girls’ School. They scored some incredible goals and worked very well as a team, with one team topping the group! Watch this space for more fixtures!
This afternoon (Thursday), our football team took on both Water Mill  & Bells Farm. Whilst we must congratulate our opponents on their narrow victories, Mr. Orgill and Mr. Weatherup were impressed by the improvement and positive attitude shown by our players. It was a fantastic performance and played in great spirits! 

TTRockstars Day

What a fantastic day we had! It was amazing to see so many children in their rockstar outfits. Throughout the day the children participated in times tables battles. They battled the other class in their year group. They earnt points for each correct multiplication sum they completed on TTRockstars during the allotted time. The points earnt in their year group battle also counted towards a whole school boys v girls times tables battle! The children were so excited and motivated. It was great to see.

As well as the TTRockstars battles, each year group completed a maths activity/investigation linked to multiplication. Some year groups also read a maths story and then had a go at writing their own maths-based stories! The children were engrossed in their learning. 

Thank you to the children for their enthusiasm and eagerness to learn during TTRockstars Day. You’re all maths superstars! 

Football News

This afternoon (Thursday), our football team took on both St. Edward’s & St. Mary’s. Whilst we must congratulate our opponents on their victories, Mr. Orgill and Mr. Weatherup were impressed by the improvement and positive attitude shown by our players, who were also undaunted by the deteriorating weather conditions. Good performances – well done everyone!
Next Thursday, we look forward to carrying the same enthusiasm ans spirit into games against Bells Farm & Water Mill.
On Tuesday, it will be the turn of our Y3/4 girls, as they play their first matches indoors at Selly Park Girls’ School.

Music Mark

We are proud to announce that, once again, Raddlebarn has been awarded the Music Mark in recognition of the work taking place and the value that the school places on music.
Our thanks go to all staff, music teachers from Services for Education, parents, carers and, most importantly, to all Raddlebarn pupils for their enthusiasm and dedication to music in school.