50 Things to do before you are 5

50 Things to Do Before You’re Five is an exciting initiative full of ideas and activities for you to enjoy with your children. Our project offers a wide range of activities from outdoor discoveries in the woods, to exploring how sound changes in different places, to sharing stories and water play! Check it out using the following links:

50 Things for Families website

50 Things to do before you are 5

Have a great Summer holiday!

Have a lovely Summer Holiday – don’t forget….

  • Mon 22nd July – Teacher Training Day – End of the school year (school closed to children)
  • Mon 2nd September – Teacher Training Day
  • Tues 3rd September – Teacher Training Day
  • Weds 4th September – School Re-opens to Children (gates open at 8:30)

Raddlebarn in Bloom

We really hope you enjoyed Raddlebarn in Bloom this year. The children were proud to show off their class planters and creative containers. The creative containers made at home were fantastically creative – well done children (and grown-ups).
Whole School Art Project
During Raddlebarn in Bloom we showcased artwork from Nursery through to Year 6. The theme of the project was flowers. What talented children we have here at Raddlebarn! The work looked absolutely amazing. We really do have some artists in the making.
Thank you to everyone who attended. We appreciate your ongoing support! 

Junior PCSOs

Our Junior PCSOs made their pledge to West Midlands Police today and graduated! They are very proud of all the hard work and contributions they have made to improve the school community over the past term. They have learnt a lot about the police and the important job they do and supported Miss Morris with traffic surveys. They will continue to work with Miss Morris next year.

Football Success!

What a week it has been for the teams of Raddlebarn!
On Tuesday, our girls took part in the play-offs for the Girls’ Summer League, finishing a very creditable joint third (and being finally knocked out by the eventual winners).
On Thursday, our school team played off against Kings Norton for the John Llewellyn Trophy, as both teams had finished their league season unbeaten. It was a pulsating match which ebbed and flowed, keeping the crowd entertained and producing more excitement than many games you will have seen on the television recently. Coming back from a 0 – 3 half time deficit, our players almost turned the match around, with Kings Norton Primary hanging on to win 5 – 4 . Congratulations to KN. Mr. Orgill, Mr. Weatherup and Mrs. Merrifield were so proud of our players for the skill, spirit and teamwork shown.
Well done everyone!

A Musical Week!

Wow! What a musical week we’ve had!
On Tuesday evening, our choir and strings ensemble took part in the Youth Proms, playing at Symphony Hall alongside musicians and singers from other Birmingham schools.
The ensemble played three Bon Jovi and Rick Astley tunes brilliantly, whilst the choir sang their hearts out in a Queen rock medley. Amazing sounds and we are all so proud of them!
Wednesday evening saw others of our talented Raddlebarn musicians perform in our summer concert. Again, our musicians delighted the audience with their brilliant performances.
Wonderful performances like these are credit to pupils’ enthusiasm, sheer dedication, resilience, hard work and their ability to work cooperatively with others in groups.
A big thank you is extended to our SFE music teachers for their hard work and commitment to our school. Thank you to our Raddlebarn families for the support and encouragement you give your children. Thank you also to staff in school for enabling rehearsals and events to take place but the BIGGEST THANK YOU OF ALL must go our Raddlebarn musicians for performing so fantastically and bringing so much joy to their audiences.

PCSO Update

Earlier today, the Junior PCSOs were lucky enough to meet with PC Harris and look inside a police van. They were shown specialist police equipment and talked through what happens during particular incidents/responses. The Junior PCSOs then reported the findings of their traffic survey, completed on Wednesday 12th June, to PCSO Jones and PCSO Jeffries who then supported them in how to educate parents/children and tackle problem parking going forward. The Junior PCSOs, PCSOs and Miss Morris worked as a team to write something for our school newsletter. Make sure to take a look!