Jack and the Beanstalk

For this term’s topic (Tales: Near or Far?) this week, RH have been reading the traditional tale ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. We shared the story, discussed the characters, setting and plot and then, as a whole class we created a story map. Finally, today we have had the most amazing afternoon performing the story on our wonderful outdoor stage. The children took turns to be different characters or the narrator and read form our very own story map. It was just lovely to see the children being so confident and keen to perform to each other!

Arts programme with the REP

As part of our on-going Arts programme with the REP we have chosen online tutorials for each year group to continue their study of the Arts. Over the Easter break we’d love for you to show them to your child/children and for them to get involved.

Reception = Poetry –  Ants Go Marching
Did you know ants can carry 10 times their own body weight? That’s like Mrs Palmer carrying her own car!
Join in with Bhav to learn the poem all about ants on the move.

Back to it!

It is so lovely to have all the children back in class! They have settled in so well and are clearly enjoying being back! It has been wonderful to engage with the children’s learning and see them embrace all the learning activities. We have enjoyed being in the classroom practicing our phonics, reading, writing and maths but most of all we have loved playing together again!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! 

Christmas has arrived in RP. The children have been exploring pattern, shape and symmetry. They have been persevering when using scissors, even using them to cut through thick material. The children have been busy selecting food to give Rudolph all the energy that he needs to pull Santa’s sleigh. They have enjoyed learning all about Christmas traditions and sharing some of their own. We were so proud of the children when they made their own Christingles, they were so determined using the knife to cut the top off, it wasn’t an easy thing to do and they did not give up!