Chinese New Year

Here is reception dancing with the Chinese New Year dragon yesterday in PE.
They made the dragon head as a class in the creative area using a collage technique with different papers. Then we stabled fabric to the head for a body. The children watched some videos of a Chinese New Year parade and watched how the dragon moved his body and they practised this movement by using their dragon, made in the classroom.

Mark Making

We love mark making in RH! We will do it anywhere we can. In the snow and even in flour too! It’s a fun way to help us to develop  our writing skills.



A Trip To The Theatre!


What a wonderful treat to visit the Midlands Art Centre and watch the spectacular performance of ‘One Snowy Night’. The children have been sharing the story written by Nick Butterworth and have enjoyed finding out about all the adorable woodland animals that need somewhere warm and cosy to spend the night when it snows in the park. To be able to see the animals ‘come alive’ as characters in the performance was magical for the children. It was such a pleasure to see the joy on their faces as they engaged with the actors! A fantastic time was had by all!

Anti-Bullying Week


Anti-Bullying week has been recognised by RH through kindness.

The children have been sharing their kind thoughts and words with each other. They really understood that being different is great and is to be celebrated.

RH are fantastic at being kind and we showed this during circle time by each saying something kind about each other.  Elaina said,  “Safia is helpful’ and Leo said, “Evie is good to play with”.

We also created our own different designed odd socks to celebrate our differences!

Welcome to Reception!

The first few weeks in Reception have been very busy! We have enjoyed making new friends and finding out what being in Reception is all about. We have enjoyed selecting our own resources and choosing our own activities all by ourselves! We have started to learn lots of new phonemes and have been practicing counting carefully. This week we had lots of fun telling the story of The Little Red Hen with Stan’s Cafe.

Reception Update

RH have thoroughly enjoyed spending our last few days in Reception – outdoors! We have been using all of our senses to explore and discover. The sandpit is always so much fun. We can mould, dig and even sieve! We loved being able to see all the lovely colours when we visited Raddlebarn in Bloom too. We made collage flowers for the pretty banner, which we found hanging in the playground and loved! We looked carefully and managed to find our own designs. We felt very proud of our work. We also loved our time in the garden! So much to see! We found bird feeders, different plants, wind spinners and we even saw a butterfly.  A lovely end to our very busy time in Reception!