The Very Hungry Caterpillar

In reception, our focus book for the past two weeks has been “The Very hungry Caterpillar”. We have been using this story to aid our learning across the curriculum. On Thursday we used our caterpillar headbands we made in the creative area e on Wednesday to help use imagine being a very hungry caterpillar. We went outside with our headbands on to find fruit and then we subitised the fruit we saw. On Friday, we used all the story props in a story tray to retell the story and make up our own versions of the story.



Self Portraits

This half term in reception our big question is “how does my mind and body work?”.
The children have been looking in the mirror and noticing their facial features and then painting a self portrait of themselves.

Reception Art Club

In reception art club this week we did Indian Block Printing!
We used ink pads and acrylic paint to cover our stamps and then we printed them on to paper, cork coasters and fabric bags.
Well done! What amazing printing you did this afternoon!

EYFS Art Club

The first EYFS art club was a big success today.
We made paper windmills! When we finished making them we tested them with a fan to see if they would spin. We even found out that they spin as we walk around.

EYFS Exploring!

RH have been enjoying exploring our outdoor area. The children have been observing how much the plants have grown and discovered some interesting insects! We love being outside in EYFS!


Doubling – reception!

In reception we have been learning doubling. We used “What the Ladybird Heard” to inspire our maths. We painted spots on one side of the lady bird and then folded it to print the double on the other side. The children then calculated how many spots there were all together. 🐞🐞

RDB Bake Off Preparations!

It was junior bake off! In the theme of our commonwealth countries, each KS1 class did a bake. Reception decided to do a bake that represents their country’s flag. We applied baking to math’s and phonics by reading the ingredients list and the amounts we had to weigh. The children instructed the teacher each instruction and ingredient. Each child then had a turn to mix the dough. Once the dough was made the children came over in groups of 5 and rolled their piece of dough out and cut out a star. They were baked overnight and then the children used the flag colours in icing sugar to decorate them. RDB’s country is Jamaica so the children decorated them in yellow, green and black.