Children’s Mental Health in reception

For Children’s Mental Health week, the children in reception read the story by “Patrice Karst“. Reception had a class discussion on people, animals and things they love. We discussed how the “invisible string” works and how we can still love people/animals/things and they can still love us back even though they might not be with us. For example, “you are at school and mummy is at work but, mummy still loves you and you still love her, even though you are not together because the invisible string connects you”  The children then drew a picture of themselves and drew lines to things they love.

Children’s Mental Health Week in Reception

Reception each drew around their hand. Inside their hand they wrote their name and drew some pictures of their favourite things, including hobbies, animals, colours etc.
We spoke about how we are all different and we like to do different things, but we are all connected because we go to the same school, some of us like the same colours/hobbies etc and we are all friends.
(this was a class carpet discussion)
We then displayed them in the classroom like a wreath making sure all our hands were touching and “connecting” together.
We also had a class discussion about why are dressing to impress. And the class teachers introduced them to the compliments jar which you can see has been filled up throughout the week so far.

Little Red Hen

When learning to retell The Little Red Hen, Reception made their own hen to help them tell the story. The visuals really helped the children to remember the main events of the story when they retold it – they used different voices and actions too!

Reception during National Story Telling Week

This week is National Story Telling Week. Because of this, we wanted to do something extra special. The children had an outdoor immersive story telling session where they had the opportunity to be a witch, role play, collect items, and make a potion in the witch’s cauldron. The children then had the opportunity in choosing time to write their own potions list and experiment with their own mixtures to make their own potions. They also, had a go at some sensory/messy/fine motor play trying to find the spooky objects in the jelly cauldron using tweezers. In addition to this, children also had a go at writing their own tales toolkit stories this week, using any objects and settings they wanted.

A very busy week indeed!

Room on The Broom!

In aid of national storytelling week, Reception had an outdoor immersive story today.
Miss De Beer and Mrs Sheahan told the story of “Room on the Broom”. The children had the experience of being a witch, hunting for objects and mixing a potion in the witch’s cauldron.
“Iggety, ziggety, zaggety, ZOOM!”

PE in reception

This week in in Reception’s PE lesson we have been learning about under arm throwing and catching. We watched a demonstration, practised together and then practised throwing and catching with our partners.

PE in Reception

This week in in Reception’s PE lesson we have been learning about under arm throwing and catching. We watched a demonstration, practised together and then practised throwing and catching with our partners.

Celebrations in Reception

This half term in reception we have been learning about how different people celebrate. We have learnt about Diwalli, Chinese new year and last week we learned about birthdays. Reception shared their personal experiences and we also looked at birthday traditions celebrated in different countries. We established that a lot of countries, including our own, use cake to celebrate a birthday. Last week our story book was “Cake” by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet. In light of this, we make birthday style fairy cakes. The teacher did a demonstration at the front and each child had a go at mixing, scooping mixture into a fairy case and then decorating.


This week in Reception, our book is Supertato! The children made their own Supertato characters on Wednesday and on Thursday they have been using them to tell their own tales toolkit story. Some really amazing stories!